The Greeks were growing several varieties of apples by the late 300’s BC, and the ancient Romans also grew and loved the fruit. Researchers have even found the charred remains of apples at a Stone Age village in Switzerland.
European settlers brought apple seeds and trees with them to the New World. Records from the Massachusetts Bay Company indicate that apples were being grown in New England as early as 1630. In 1796, in Ontario, Canada, John McIntosh discovered a variety of apple which is today enjoyed by people around the world--the McIntosh Apple!
Apples have also appeared in legends in our past. In the Bible, Adam and Eve are tempted by apples in the Garden of Eden, and in the Swiss story of William Tell, an archer is arrested and then promised his freedom if he can shoot an apple off his son’s head with an arrow.
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Apples are great ingredients for baking and i came up with this simple recipe using apples.
Apple Muffins, a combination of 2 of my fav food to 1. (actully its 2 of the many fav food i love)
Results you may ask??
Its moist in the inside and yet some cripsiness on the outside. It came out the way i like it.Even my brothers enjoyed it. Well they are my food critic .
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