Friday, February 29, 2008


Below quotes are from

'The United Nations have officially declared the year 2008 the International Year of the Potato in order to “increase awareness of the importance of the potato as a food in developing nations”

Take a look at this five facts about potatoes:
- a potato has only between 70 to 100 calories
- a potato is about 80 % water- a potato has potassium, vitamin C, iron, and fiber, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and magnesium
- the potato was the first vegetable to be grown in space in 1995
- There are about 5,000 potato varieties in the world

Can you believe all these??

These are all new to me. Never knew so much in a potato beside the fact it taste great in anyway you cook them. Boil, stew, bake, deep fry juz to name a few.

My fav way is baking them and below are 2 different ways of making them. Baked Potato and chicken pie and extra cripsy potatoes.

Baked Potato and Chicken Pie, a recipe learned during Secondary School days. How i miss those days....

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Extra Cripsy Potatoes, it really came up cripsy!!

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